Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday 9AM to 12PM, And 3:00PM to 6:00PM.
Pastor: Rev. Father Hector Arvizu (Parish Administrator)
Deacon: Guy Blasingame (Retired)
Office Secretary: Kate de Jesus (temporary). In need of a volunteer!
Phone: 903-797-3303
Fax: 903-797-3302
Bookkeeper: Lupe Salinas
Offering Counters: Karen Mannis, Dona Johnston, And Ken Smith
Faith Formation/CCD Directors: Sister Maria Carmen, Edna Landeverde
Music Directors: Donna Osborne - English
Jobita & Angel Romero - Spanish
Adult Bible Study: Karla Ormsby
Father Hector Arvizu was born to Maria Dolores Mancilla and Samuel Arvizu in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato, Mexico. He grew up in a very strong traditional Catholic environment and completed his basic studies in Mexico. He came to the United States in 2002 at the age of 24 and immediately joined the parish at St. Jude Catholic Church in Henderson, Texas. He became a lector, Catechist Assistant and Catechist for the Parish, teaching Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. He was a member of the Hispanic Choir at St. Jude Parish from 2002-2010. His early jobs ranged from floor cleaning at a trailer manufacturer, carwashes in Henderson Texas, and road construction in Houston, Texas. He received a Commercial Driver License (CDL) and worked for Giglio Distributing Company in Longview Texas from 2005- 2010, making beverage deliveries at convenience stores, liquor stores, supermarkets, Walmart, and other big grocery stores in all East Texas. His accomplishments include:
"Deacon Guy" Blasingame has been a deacon since June 2,1979 and was a convert to the Catholic faith. Prior to his retirement in June of 2022, he was the oldest serving deacon in the Diocese of Tyler. We are thankful for Deacon Guy's 43 years of service!